Tips, Guides, and Updates on Voice Technology For Marketers, Researchers, and Brands


Jan 2022


Voice Assistant Devices available for Consumer Engagement in 2022

Whether you're leveraging voice assistants for healthcare, consumer market research, or to improve the product experience and entertain your customers, it's valuable to understand just why, when, and how a consumer can engage via voice. Let's have a look just where voice assistants are found today - some of these will surprise you, I'm sure.


Dec 2021


How To Leverage Amazon Alexa & Google Assistant For Your Restaurant

Restaurants have been hit the hardest during the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. Those restaurants that adapt and embrace new technologies will be the first to return to a thriving state and fair better moving forward than ever before. Can Voice Assistants, like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, help restaurant owners deliver better service and create happier patrons?


Nov 2021


Voice assistants and the potential impact on the shopper experience and retail businesses

Have you ever found yourself hunting for a store representative just to get a price or to see if there was "more in stock?" Now imagine walking into a store and interacting with Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant, and getting all the information you want when you need it. So, how can voice assistants benefit the company and the customer during a shopping experience?


Nov 2021


Humans, Voice Assistants, and Mars - how voice assistants will help us travel through the stars

Believe it or not, that same voice assistant you've been using to view your favorite episodes on Netflix with will soon be helping us navigate the stars. Let's have a look at how voice assistants will help us get to Mars and beyond.


Nov 2021


3 Incredible Applications of Voice Assistants to Transform the Way Our Students Learn

Innovative educational tools and approaches have been largely responsible for the enhanced rate of learning, retention, and growth for students everywhere. With the utilization of voice-enabled technology in the classroom, modern schooling has grown more equitable, personalized, and efficient for students of every background. 


Oct 2021


How Voice Assistants Impact Coaching, Training, and the Athlete Experience

Voice assistants, most notably available in wireless bluetooth headphones, wearables, and glasses, will impact sports training and athlete development. Athletes will leverage voice assistants to improve their training experience and improve their skills while coaches will use voice assistants to reenforce their teachings and keep an eye on the mental state of their athletes. And this is just the beginning.


Sep 2021


Voice SEO - the worst investment your brand will make

Some of today's top digital marketing and SEO experts have been pushing a significant amount of discussion around Voice Search SEO or just Voice SEO. Let's explore why this is the worst investment a brand can make.


Sep 2021


5 Incredible Features of Voice Assistants That Increase Their Accessibility

Technological developments in recent decades have changed the way many of us live, particularly as it concerns convenience. Voice assistants are a prime example of this phenomenon, making everyday tasks easy so long as you “say the word.” However, for users with disabilities, the functions of voice-assisted technology can do more than just make their lives simpler.


Sep 2021


Is There a Future for Siri and Cortana in the Bigger Picture of Voice Assistants?

Whenever we talk about voice assistants, two usually come to mind, Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. What about Siri and Cortana? Let’s have a look at both and find out where they are and what the future may hold for them.


Sep 2021


The secret to growing an audience with voice assistants from Sarah Andrew Wilson, Chief Content Officer of

“How do we acquire users for our voice experience?” Attracting users to a brand new voice application is one of the biggest challenges faced by the industry today. The problem is so big, that lack of knowledge and experience is keeping many brands back from leveraging voice assistants to engage with their consumers and fans.