By using and engaging with True Reply you agree to the following

Terms of Service


  1. True Reply (the “Service“) is a platform for delivering research tools that enables its registered members to conduct and/or participate in voice-based research projects and/or public/private opinion polls.
  2. The owner of the Service is the company True Reply, Inc. with the registered seat in Delaware, USA (the “Service’s Owner”).



For engagement administrators, you agree to pay to True Reply any fees for each Service you purchase or use, in accordance with the pricing and payment terms presented to you for that Service. Where applicable, you will be billed using the billing method provided through your account management page. If you have elected to pay the fees by credit card, you represent and warrant that the credit card information you provide is correct and you will promptly notify True Reply of any changes to such information. Fees paid by you are non-refundable, except as provided in these Terms or when required by law.



  1. Participation in the Service is entirely voluntary.
  2. The Service’s participant may be a natural person over the age of 13 years, with access to the Internet, who completes the Service’s registration process.
  3. A device with an Internet access, the Internet browser and the e-mail account are required to use the Service.
  4. Service registration requires completion of the Registration Form, acceptance of the Terms of Use and consent to process personal data for research purposes. In order to obtain the status of the Service’s participant (the “Participant“) it is obligatory to complete the Services’ registration process. The Service Participant’s account (the “Participant’s Account“) is created after successful completion of the registration process in the Service.
  5. All data provided by the Participant in the Registration Form and in the Participant’s Account must be correct and current.
  6. Acceptance and observance of the Terms of Service constitute a necessary condition for participation in the Service.
  7. The Participant can register with the Service only once and have only one Participant’s Account.
  8. The Participant has a full view of the Participant’s Account and the ability to self-update any data stored therein. The Participant is obliged to insert in the Service only true data under pain of removal of the Participant’s Account from the Service.



These Terms of Service are an agreement between you and True Reply. However, before using the True Reply platform for the development of an Alexa skill, please read this agreement and the Alexa Terms of Use by the Amazon Digital Services LLC (with its affiliates, “Amazon”). It provides detailed information on acceptable usage and skill content guidelines.

Regarding Amazon, “Alexa” means their Alexa Voice Service which includes third-party services (like our skills) and other related Software. By developing a skill using the True Reply service, you fully agree to Amazon, Inc. Terms of Use. Any non-compliance with their terms of use or the True Reply terms of service will result in immediate removal of any skill developed on the True Reply platform with no refund.

You understand that the final approval and release of a voice application on Amazon’s marketplace is at the sole discretion of Amazon, Inc. Their timeframe for approval may vary and depends upon the nature, content, and complexity of the application/skill/experience being reviewed.



These Terms of Use are an agreement between you and True Reply. However, before using the True Reply platform for the development of a Google application, please read this agreement and the Google Terms of Service  by Google LLC. It provides detailed information on acceptable usage and skill content guidelines.

Regarding Google, it includes their Google Voice Applications and hardware (i.e. Google Home) which includes third-party services (like our skills) and other related Software. By developing a skill using the True Reply service, you fully agree to Google LLC Terms of Use. Any non-compliance with their terms of use or the True Reply terms of service will result in immediate removal of any skill developed on the True Reply platform with no refund.

You understand that the final approval and release of a voice application for Google Home is at the sole discretion of Google LLC. Their timeframe for approval may vary and depends upon the nature, content, and complexity of the application/skill/experience being reviewed.


You agree that any and all media used in the development of a True Reply engagement is subject to applicable copyright laws and you have secured all rights to use said media. Any copyright infringement by a skill developed by the user will result in immediate removal of the skill from the platform and may result in legal action against you by the copyright owner.

True Reply does not provide copyright protection nor does it copyright media used in skill development. Please see INDEMNIFICATIONS for additional information.



  1. Invitations to participate in marketing research projects and/or public/private opinion polls are sent to e-mail address provided by the Participant in the Registration Form. Invitation to participate in marketing research projects and/or public/private opinion polls contains instructions on completing questionnaire as well as detailed description of conditions for participation in the engagement (including the approximate length of the engagement in minutes and amount of remuneration for its accurate and reliable completion).
  2. Invitations to participate in marketing research projects and/or public/private opinion polls are sent only to those Participants who meet certain socio-demographic criteria required for particular research and/or poll. Verification whether the Participant meets the criteria is made based on information provided by the Participant in the Registration Form. The selection criteria for various researches and/or polls depend on specific socio-demographic criteria and are variable, depending on the requirements of the particular research and/or poll. The decision to choose the Participants to participate in particular research and/or poll is made at the sole discretion of the Service’s Owner.
  3. Participation in marketing research projects and/or polls is voluntary. Each time, the Participant has the right to independently decide whether he/she wishes to participate in an engagement, to participate in which he/she has been invited.
  4. The number of invitations to participate in the engagements addressed to the Participant depends on the number and topics of the marketing research projects and/or public/private opinion polls. The Participant receives invitations to participate in the research and/or polls no more than three times per week.
  5. The Participant is obliged to provide true and accurate answers to the questions in the questionnaires.



  1. The Participant who qualifies to participate in particular marketing research project and/or public/private opinion poll, and further properly completes the questionnaire as well as in a reliable way provides answers to all the engagement questions shall have a right to receive remuneration. The amount of remuneration depends on the length of the questionnaire and is notified to each Participant in the invitation to participate in particular marketing research project and/or public/private opinion poll. In certain cases, the Participant may receive remuneration in other form, which form is to be determined in the invitation to participate in marketing research project and/or public/private opinion poll.
  2. Remuneration for each correctly and reliably completed engagement is calculated within a maximum of thirty (30) calendar days after completion of marketing research project and/or public/private opinion poll.
  3. Remuneration payable to the Participant is accumulated at the Participant’s Account. Participant may collect its due remuneration at any time, provided that the Participant has accumulated on his/her Participant’s Account the total amount of remuneration of at least 8 USD and has a PayPal account (www.paypal.com). After accumulating the amount of at least 8 USD at the Participant’s Account, the Withdrawal Form shall appear in the Participant’s Account. Remuneration payable to the Participant is sent to the PayPal account specified by the Participant in the Registration Form within forty five (45) calendar days from the date of correct completion of the Withdrawal Form by the Participant (PayPal charges 2% on amounts transferred to PayPal account).
  4. At any time, the Participant may check the status of his/her Participant’s Account by logging into the Service (TrueReply.com).



  1. Each Participant may at any time withdraw from participation in the Service by removing his/her Participant’s Account from the Service.
  2. In case of withdrawal from the Service, the Participant has the right to demand payment of a due remuneration accumulated in the Participant’s Account. The condition of the Participant requesting payment of his/her due and accumulated remuneration is the correct completion of the Withdrawal Form by the Participant. A request for payment of remuneration due and accumulated in the Participant’s Account shall be sent to the Service’s Owner electronically via e-mail to the e-mail address: help@truereply.com. The remuneration due will be sent to the PayPal account specified by the Participant in the Registration Form within ninety (90) calendar days from the date of correct completion of the Withdrawal Form by the Participant.
  3. In case of withdrawal from the Service, the Participant’s data is permanently deleted from the Service’s database.



  1. The Service’s Owner reserves the right to remove the Participant’s Account from the Service, particularly in the case of:
    1. breach of the Terms of Use by the Participant,
    2. the Participant having multiple accounts in the Service,
    3. provision by the Participant of false responses in the Registration Form or engagements (which will be detected during the control procedures),
    4. provision of useless answers in engagements (random strings),
    5. using of automated mechanisms to submit responses in engagements,
    6. not completion of three questionnaires, to participate in which the Participant was invited, during the calendar year,
    7. not logging by the Participant into the Service within three hundred sixty (360) calendar days from the last logging and not updating of the data in the Participant’s Account, in particular of his/her e-mail address,
    8. not agreeing with amendments to the Terms of Use within thirty (30) calendar days of becoming aware of the above circumstances.
  2. The Participant whose Participant’s Account has been removed from the Service loses the right to payment of remuneration accumulated therein.
  3. The Participant shall be informed of the removal of the Participant’s Account electronically to the e-mail address provided in the Registration Form.



  1. The Service’s Owner ensures that all data and opinions obtained from the Participants during the registration process and in the engagements are confidential. The information provided by the Participant is used only for research purposes.
  2. The Participant is obliged to treat as confidential all information obtained in connection with participation in marketing research projects and/or public/private opinion polls carried out through the Service and not disclose it to any third parties.
  3. All contents of the Service, including messages and materials available in the Service are protected by United States law. It is strictly forbidden to: download copy and use the contents of the Service, in particular, its databases and to reuse them in whole or in part, qualitatively or quantitatively, without the consent of the Service’s Owner.
  4. For additional details, please review the True Reply privacy policy.



The participant will indemnify and hold harmless the Service Provider, and its respective officers, directors, employees, agents, shareholders, successors and permitted assigns (collectively, the “Indemnified Party”) from and against any action, claim, investigation, proceeding, regulatory action or suit, brought against the Indemnified Party (“Claim”) to the extent that such is based on a claim that if true would constitute a violation of any of the Indemnifying Party’s covenants, representations, warranties or other obligations under this term of service. Such indemnifications provided for herein shall include any and all liabilities, damages, costs and expenses, (including without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees, disbursements and court costs, if any), asserted against, imposed upon, or incurred in defending, settling and/or resolving any claim.  


This Section applies if you live in (or, if a business, your principal place of business is in) the United States.If you and True Reply have a dispute, you and True Reply agree to try for 60 days to resolve it informally. If you and True Reply can’t, you and True Reply agree to binding individual arbitration before the American Arbitration Association under the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”), and not to sue in court in front of a judge or jury. Instead, a neutral arbitrator will decide. Class action lawsuits, class-wide arbitrations, private attorney-general actions, and any other proceeding where someone acts in a representative capacity are not allowed; nor is combining individual proceedings without the consent of all parties. The complete Arbitration Agreement contains more terms and is at http://truereply.com/arbitration-agreement. You and True Reply agree to these terms.


  1. The Service’s Owner reserves the right to make amendments to the Terms of Use.
  2. The Participant shall be informed about amendments to the Terms of Use electronically to his/her e-mail address provided in the Registration Form. Within thirty (30) calendar days from sending of information by the Service’s Owner about the amendments to the Terms of Use, the Participant may object to those amendments by removing of the Participant’s Account from the Service. The lack of the Participant’s opposition to the Terms of Use within thirty (30) calendar days from sending of the information about amendments to the Terms of Use by the Service’s Owner shall be treated as expression by the Participant of his/her consent to the amendments.
  3. If the Participant does not consent to the amendments to the Terms of Use within sixty (60) calendar days from sending of information by the Service’s Owner about the amendments to the Terms of Use, he/she has the right to demand payment of the due remuneration accumulated at the Participant’s Account, under the pain of losing that right.
  4. The Service’s Owner reserves the right to refuse registration in the Service for any reason.
  5. The Service is operated under United States law and any matters related to or in connection with the Service shall be governed by United States law.
  6. In case of any disputes between the Service’s Owner and the Participant, the place of jurisdiction shall be New Jersey, U.S.A.
  7. The Terms of Use come into force on 09.01.2017


Updated: October 2020