The Voice CEO: Beyond Voice

A peek into the minds of industry professionals and thought leaders and how they are thinking about and approaching voice technology today. One question, minutes to answer. Timeless insights.

Are you a business leader thinking about voice technology for your industry? Contact us to appear on Beyond Voice

August 17th, 2020

Music: Hear Their Voice, Beatcore

For today’s Beyond Voice, I am super excited to have the Chief Content Officer of, Sarah Andrews Wilson and you are going to discover HOW Sarah helped reach 12 million users.

In 2020, Sarah was named Alexa Campion by Amazon, a Top 12 Leader in Voice AI by, and a Top 40 Voice AI Influencer by SoundHound.

Sarah oversees content strategy, UX design, and communications for and has played a fundamental role in helping become the award-winning brand behind some of the most popular Voice Applications on Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Samsung Bixby.

With over 12 million users across some of the most popular voice apps today, including Question of the Day, Find My Phone, Kids Quiz, and Guess My Name, Sarah is someone to listen to when it comes to discovering how to grow an audience on voice.

Sarah helps make your everyday easier and a little more fun via voice experiences but she also knows how to grow a community via content.

March 30th, 2020

Music: Hear Their Voice, Beatcore

There's no doubting it - the world has shifted and changed in the last 60-days. For this weeks Beyond Voice, we're focusing on businesses - large and small alike - who are being impacted by the changing landscape the most.

For businesses today, how they communicate and engage TODAY will be fundamental to surviving and thriving in the new economy. To this end, we somehow managed to wrangle the communication master herself, Amy Summers.

As the founder and CEO of Pitch Publicity, Amy knows how to leverage communication to amplify brands value and build publicity for companies and entrepreneurs alike.

How do you use Amazon Alexa to reach your customers?

Listen to Amy's thoughts on how voice technology can help companies today to better engage and communicate with partners, vendors, and customers.

March 10th, 2020

Music: Hear Their Voice, Beatcore

When it comes to marketing, branding, and market research, the field is wide open for companies to innovate and surpass consumer expectations. Voice is so accessible today that CMOs, CROs, and researchers may struggle with just how ready the modality is for participation or even where to start.

How do you use Amazon Alexa to reach your customers?

For this week's Beyond Voice, we invited Sima Vasa - entrepreneur, executive leader, and Chairman of the Board of SampleCon, one of the nations most innovative conferences for market research and sampling - to share with us her thoughts on how market researchers should be thinking about voice today and where the opportunities are for researchers.

February 24th, 2020

Music: Hear Their Voice, Beatcore

Voice Technology is being adopted across nearly every market - Hospitality, Market Research, Healthcare, Human Resources, and more. While some markets are moving faster than others, we're seeing trends in how adopters are thinking about voice in their businesses and their markets. Many common questions pop-up. The most interesting questions we face are around regulations and legal considerations of voice-based engagements and the data we can gather through them.

How can you use Amazon Alexa to gain consumer insights?

For this week, we wanted to get a bit of insight into the legal considerations of the new consumer engagement channel of voice. Join us as Bianca Philips, lawyer, lecturer and consultant in Digital Health Law, Voice Technologies, and Medical Law, gives us a little guidance on the kinds of things we should be thinking about.

January 28th, 2020

Music: Hear Their Voice, Beatcore

Retail is all about customer experience and understanding and empowering customers. The opportunity for Voice in retail cannot be overstated. 

From in-store engagements that enrich the shopping experience to empowering customers to provide feedback closer to the point of experience, voice has the potential to breathe new life into brick-and-mortar as well as creating whole new shopping experiences.

How can retail brands leverage Amazon Alexa today?

This week we are joined by John Andrews, the retail legend. Before Photofy, John was innovating in CPG and retail for over 25 years. 

Today John shares his insight and perspective on how retail should be thinking about voice technology and how he feels the retail experience will evolve for the better through voice technology.

January 21st, 2020

Music: Hear Their Voice, Beatcore

When looking at a technology like voice, every enterprise will ask today A) why do I need it and B) what will this do for my customers. This has been true for every new consumer and industrial technology for the past 50 years.

How can companies today get started with Amazon Alexa?

George Ross is 92 years young, a mega-successful businessman and he has seen it all. We got a chance to sit down with George for a quick Beyond Voice question of the week to get his take on why business owners should be implementing today's cutting edge technologies - like voice - and about the potential impact it could have on their business and their customers.

January 7th, 2020

Music: Hear Their Voice, Beatcore

2020 is shaping up to be one of the most important and compelling election years for the United States. How candidates can better connect with and communicate with their constituents is going to be key.

Like every election of the past two decades, technology will play a pivotal role in how candidates and their campaign managers strategize for the coming election.

How can Amazon Alexa and telephone help you with understanding by going beyond just polling?

Marc Strassman has spent most of his career at the intersection of technology and politics and is a life long believer in technology's ability to impact the democratic process.

Join us this week to get Marc's insights and perspectives on how today's voice technology can help the voice of the people, and the voice of the candidates, be heard.

December 31st, 2019

Music: Hear Their Voice, Beatcore

The fundamentals of hiring and getting things done has shifted drastically in the past 15 years. The rise of the gig economy has impacted how companies get things done - no matter their size or their location.

Voice technology is poised to impact every and any industry impacted by the computer keyboard and mouse and human resources and the gig economy is no different.

How can hiring and human resources leverage Amazon Alexa and telephone with today's technology?

Danny Beckett, Jr. is building Assemble to be the platform for the future of getting things done in the gig economy. If you are in the business of hiring and management of resources, this is the one for you.

Danny speaks to how he see's voice technology impacting the gig economy and shares his insight and perspective on how companies will be getting things done.

December 24th, 2019

Music: Hear Their Voice, Beatcore

Voice-first interfaces and voice assistants are being implemented in everything from microwaves to automobiles. The impact that voice technology is having and will continue to have on market research should not be underestimated.

How can major brands leverage Amazon Alexa for research and more?

Erik Olson, who has lead major market research efforts for brands like Johnson & Johnson, Youtube, McDonalds, Starbucks, and AT&T, understands the impact of voice on market research and shares his insight and perspective on this weeks episode of Beyond Voice.

December 17th, 2019

Music: Hear Their Voice, Beatcore

Are you in branding and marketing? Curious how Amazon Alexa could help build your brand? Wondering what you should be thinking about when it comes to how your brand "sounds" How your brand should sound?

How do brands bring their personality and soul to Amazon Alexa?

This is the episode to kick-off with! Audrey Arbeeny is the rock-star, Emmy award-winning producer that also happens to be the founder and creative director of Audiobrain - the company that helps companies find their sound.

Hear from Audrey this week to learn what YOU should be thinking about when it comes to your brand's sonic branding across Amazon Alexa and beyond.