Brand building for the future using emerging technologies like the Metaverse, NFT’s, and Voice Technology are crucial for the survival and growth of a brand in today’s highly technical marketplace. Whether you are a small business that only has a couple of people or your business is multi-location with lots of workers, embracing these new technologies will determine the future fate of all businesses.
How Businesses Are Leveraging Emerging Technologies for Brand Building
The opportunities are endless for building a brand for the future using emerging technologies. There are DIY solutions that voice technology now offers which can easily automate many aspects of a business, plus connect and engage consumers in real-time. These emerging technologies can easily be used to level the playing field for smaller brands to compete with larger brands. Personalized customer experiences are another major benefit that voice technology can provide. Let’s explore these new revenue generation opportunities in greater depth.
How Businesses Are Brand Building by Leveraging Massive Metaverse Audiences
Creating a metaverse footprint with innovative, immersive virtual reality experiences can be done by any size of business. With brand building opportunities on the metaverse being virtually limitless, your brand can easily stand out among your competitors. Any size business can allow consumers to easily connect personally with your brand. Start with a presentation that offers your audience complimentary 1 on 1 consultations or allows them the ability to take courses online. Conversational voice technology allows a brand to easily engage with consumers in real time to gain feedback on which metaverse brand building opportunities would be more lucrative.
What are NFT’s & How Does a Business Use them for Marketing?
NFT's, or Non-fungible tokens, and these new images are taking the Internet by storm going mainstream. Luxury brands, and mass-market players have already begun leveraging NFT marketing opportunities in a big way. Even a small brand can now easily take advantage of NFT marketing and enter the game for very a small investment. Facebook Live auctions are great places a brand can market their NFT’s using cryptocurrencies as payments. Implement voice technologies to connect your NFT’s to a product concierge that will provide your customer with a personalized, real time automated conversational experiences that can give them tier one support setting your brand apart.
Voice Technology Allows Brands to Easily Leverage Emerging Technologies
Brand building for the future using these new emerging technologies can easily be implemented by either a small or large brand using voice technologies. Voice assistants can simplify data collection providing valuable consumer insight, connect with your customers during their full product journey experience, and more. The possibilities voice technologies provide you for brand building for the future are endless, and only capped by your creativity and imagination.
There are DIY voice assistant solutions with simple platforms that allow a small business to compete with any size brand. Companies like TrueReply have made it very simple for even a mom and pop shop to affordably launch and manage custom voice experiences on the Internet, metaverse, smart devices, and more. Use voice assistants to create personalized customer engagement opportunities that result in increased sales opportunities for your business.
A brand that wants to build their online footprint right using these new emerging technologies can start with a fully customizable dynamic voice application that is done for them. TrueReply can create your business an advanced interactive customer experience like no other. Investing in voice technologies for brand building will position your brand as the leader in your industry.
There are many additional ways voice technology can be leveraged by a business to improve their customer experiences and provide additional revenue generation opportunities. One of these ways is to increase your global reach by adding additional language options to your website, which is an easy way to reach more people and expand your customer base.
As businesses of all sizes are implementing these new emerging technologies for brand building, the lines between good and bad branding will become clearly evident. Which side of the line does your current marketing plan allow your brand to fall on?
Brand Building for the Future Using Emerging Technologies is Critical
Statistics like this one published by Bloomberg show the possible revenue generation opportunities a brand can take advantage of by leveraging these new emerging technologies. The article stated that, "The global Metaverse revenue opportunity could approach $800 billion in 2024 vs. about $500 billion in 2020, based on our analysis and Newzoo, IDC, PwC, Statista, and Two Circles data."
Will your brand be the one in your industry to take advantage of these massive revenue generation opportunities that are available by leveraging new emerging technologies for brand building, or will your competitor? Contact True Reply here for info on how easy brand building for the future using these emerging technologies can be.